It meant the world to me to be invited into the birth space of this family as their birth photographer for the second time and their third baby.
This their homebirth story in photographs.
A surprise gender baby, who kept teasing all of us, birth team, as she kept giving us false alarms that she was ready to come earth side. Perhaps she was just getting ready, most likely she just needed to come at her own terms.The night before her arrival I got a text from her mom, whom I adore and I have had the honor to photograph several times. “Things are starting to get serious” kind of text; but we decided should all try to sleep and keep each other posted. So we did, at least we tried. I dosed off for few hours but with the excitement in my heart that the day might have finally come to meet this baby.Around 5 am mom and dad were jokingly taking turns in sending me texts in between contractions. By 6.30 am I was on my way.I found their midwife Molly sitting outside on the steps of their house, beautiful inside and out. She is also my midwife. Midwife Monica, her partner, was also there. She was taking care of mom and making sure she felt empowered and supported through out the journey. I was so excited to finally get to know her more.Soon after 9 am, mom was ready to push and with three pushes she welcomed her little baby girl into this world. All of a sudden her first daughter seemed so grown up and her son, not the baby anymore. Her family started to pour in: sisters, cousins, grandparents. Family abroad who was so excited to Skype and participate in their celebration. It certainly felt like a love feast.Here below are some moments from that magical day, in Venice, California. If you wish to hire me as your birth photographer please contact me. For more info regarding this family midwifery care contact LA Midwife Collective
If you wish to work with me, contact me here.

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