In this blog post big brother meets his newborn baby brother.
I remember when he was born. How hard his mama had to worked and how peaceful he was, right after his dad wrapped him up in a cozy blanket and held him close to his own heart.
Fast forward two years, I got to witness the very special day he become a big brother!
Baby G was born in the early hours of a beautiful April morning at Santa Monica Hospital. Dad rushed home to see if big brother was ready to come meet his baby and lucky Doula me, had the chance to hold baby G while mom was getting acquainted again with the toilet.
We had worked hard to nudge baby to join us earth side. Spicy food, acupuncture. Chiropractors, massages. Sex. Laughter. Rest. Walks and stairs…SO MANY STAIRS!
If you live on the West Side of Los Angeles, you know about the famous ( or infamous) Santa Monica stairs! Simply built in wood, they connect the end of Santa Monica border to the beginning of the Palisades. You may find any sort of people running up and down the stairs as a form of exercise. Celebrities. Runners. Gymnastics. People wearing shirts that say “after this I am eating tacos” and pregnant women. This is almost like a sort of a legend, but it works and it worked also this time. Because, sure enough, the day after doing the stairs, baby G decided it was time to show up!

Preparing big brother to meet his new sibling for the first time
After speaking over the phone, we decided that we all needed a nap and since big brother was actually sleeping, we would meet in the afternoon so I could capture the moment with fresh eyes and invite the grandparents to be there as well.
Big brother G finally walked in to a room full of happy faces eager to witness his reaction and hopeful to see him fall in love with his baby brother.

Dad, washed his hands and handed him to mom who was so happy to see him.

Bittersweet moment seeing your first born become an older sibling
It is always so bitter sweet to see your first child become an older sibling because you realize how much they have grown. There is also the worry about having somewhat deprived them of the uniqueness of having exclusive parental attention…until one realizes that a sibling is in fact the most loving present of all.

Giving him time to ask questions and to explore
I love how these two parents let their first child ask all the questions. They gave him the time to explore the UCLA-Santa Monica hospital room and be curious about the changes occurred in the family. The watchful grandparents sat in the background taking it all in and allowing each moment to unfold on its own term.
Receiving a gift to celebrate his new responsibilities

Big brother also received a gift, as a congratulation for his new career and responsibilities. He kept looking at me and at my camera, perhaps wondering about the reasoning behind my presence in the room, given that I was also wearing my 2 month old in my carrier.
I wouldn’t have missed the moment for anything in the world! What a marvelous reminder of the wonders of birth. The powerful event that transforms us into our new selves and opens the portal of metamorphosis for all around us.

Did you include your older children in the birth of your younger babies?
Were you nervous? Excited? Worried?
Did you talk to them about the experience and what to expect?
Did you prepare any special gift for them? What was their reaction?
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