A few weeks ago I had the honor of meeting a little King Rainbow baby named Eric after his Dad.

His mom Terry Ann hired me on the flight three weeks before her EDD. I instantly loved her voice when speaking to her over the phone and I admire the fact that she had so much trust in the timing of her birth and was not worried about the possibility of having to deal with my backup to be at her birth instead of me, since I was meant to leave town few days after her due date. Sure enough, after years of praying and hoping their dreams would come true; after trusting and going with the flow and accepting the vulnerability that comes with welcoming a child into this world, their Rainbow baby arrived punctually like a Swiss clock on his due date.

I have never seen a mom so calm in the early phases of labor. Usually, there is a little doubt about whether labor is really happening or not, but this mom knew exactly what was going on and embraced every minute of it with wisdom and peace.

I was honored to serve this Santa Monica family as Doula and Birth Photographer, which is the perfect combo in my opinion when it comes to celebrating the birth of a baby. Terri Ann and Eric gave me permission to share a slide show of a few images they selected from birth. I invite you to pay particular attention to the moment of the actual birth and notice how Terry Ann is smiling as if she had just left the spa! All caught on camera!

Her birth is a great example of how effective prenatal appointments can be if both parties are working together as a team. I remember that Terri really wanted to be in charge and trusted that Eric would just intuitively help her through labor and read her needs; so she focused on attending prenatal appointments and learning as much as she could about birth with curiosity and anticipation.

Moreover, even though she trusted her care provider, she trusted her gut more and when it came to making decisions about her body, during labor, she was prepared and not afraid to speak up her wishes for her baby’s birth.

She also did make a point of creating the birth envirorment she wanted for the day she met her baby! She pull her make up bag out and pampered herself with a fresh look!

Did you know that you don’t have to wear a hospital gown when you give birth? Terri purchased a special gown online and brought it to the hospital along with all her favorite things. We talked about making sure she felt ‘at home’, so I encouraged her to bring battery-operated lights, her own pillow, her favorite blanket, pictures of something or someone who would make her happy. A complete music list of her favorite songs to dance to but also to relax to in between contractions. Finally, we came up with a few food items that would give her a boost of energy during labor, without being tired.

These can be honey sticks, cheese string, yogurt, coconut yogurt, nuts, grapes, protein bars, chocolate etc.

I am so proud of her and her family and I hope they will keep having beautiful babies and teach them body autonomy with the same confidence and pride.

Rainbow Baby. Rainbow Baby. Rainbow Baby. Rainbow Baby

Here below is also a photograph of Terri holding her Raibow baby minutes after the birth. Notice how peaceful and gracious she is!

Image of Rainbow baby for Bone Broth for Post Partum care blog. Color close up image of mother with closed eyes, enjoying holding her baby skin to skin for the first time. Image courtesy of #dearbirth

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